SocialSafe app


Search, filter & share photos from your social networks in interesting ways.

You can easily search and filter your photos across Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Flickr & Pinterest by connecting to your app.

About SocialSafe

SocialSafe allows you to search and filter your photos posted to various social media networks so that you can select and share them in interesting ways.

You can easily search and filter your photos across Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Flickr & Pinterest by connecting to your app. You can then select them and store them in your camera roll, AirDrop them to other devices, send via SMS or Email, or send them to any other app that works with the iOS sharing feature.

Find all photos that received more than 100 likes, shares or comments AND have the word "hackathon" in the post for example. It's a great tool for social media managers or people who are active on social media networks.

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App Features

Using’s private sharing technology, all your data is encrypted and never has to leave your device!

Find all photos that received more than 100 likes, shares or comments.

Use the iOS share function to send your photos to your camera roll.

You can easily search and filter your photos across Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Flickr & Pinterest.

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We're passionate about making apps that help people get in touch with their digital footprint.
iOS app